★ That's the fact that you love me , baby .
you got me feelin` so
out of place;
k i'm done here (8

today was heckauh boring. >.<; like, foreals.

first period was HOT & SWEATY ! ahha.

Advisory was boring, screw testing. English CSTs are easy thou. (:

second; eh; jazmin was crying, wouldn’t tell me why. andy told me who he likes ! (: AHHAHA.

fourth period.. ugh. we’re close to STARTING the project, but nope, HAHHAHAAH.

third ; !@#$%^&*()_+ andy pmsed cos i told the girl. (x

fifth period waaaaaaaaaaas boring. ahha, worked on the pyramid.

sixth period was asdfghjkl; since i had to finish my drawings.

k my day so far..
what happened was..
Jessica told me & Iya her secret & Shaianne's secret. We were told not to tell anyone. I keep my mouth shut then Shaianne finds out about Jessica telling us her secret. Then Everybody finds out about because someone, idk who, tells people who tell other people. Then Iya is suspected of telling people. Then I come up to this girl who's like " GUYS, you're making a big deal of this. Just because I'm telling people I KNOW the secret doesn't mean I'm telling people THE secret. I'm not going around telling everyone I see " HAY, Shaianne insert secret here ! " NO ! You guys need to chill out. " Then Shaianne starts crying because she likes this person & she wants to confess to them. So yeah..

My day is horrible. I was also pleaded GUILTY. Because Shaianne thought I was the one who told. NUH G`FRAN. ♥


that's wassup.

i'm trying to stay out of drama, telling you guys everything will just put me in more drama, D: .

Girls are constantly fighting with their boyfriend, husband, significant other for his attention, his time, his devotion, his compassion, his love. Guys constantly fight with their girls for his space, his boy time, his alone time.

Girls spend hours crying,
“why doesn’t he want to spend time with me?”
“why is he too ‘busy’ for me,
but yet he can go out with his buddies
no problem?”

If your man feels that way, give him what he wants.

You know why? Because the minute he realizes he’s missing the attention, the time, the devotion, the compassion and the love, he’ll come to you.

Boys are hypocrites. They’re fucking programed that way. They tell you to leave them alone, they ignore your invites through text, e-mail, even the phone, and sometimes they even tell you to fuck off..

Well when he says that, give him what he wants.

They fight with you for being naggy and annoying, but when they start to miss you, they begin to be naggy and annoying too. The minute you finally get up the pride to go out with your girls, he fucking calls you and asks why you haven’t called him in a week. He fucking texts you and asks why you made plans with your girls even though he had free time?

Fuck the boys who ignore you constantly so they can have their space. Because you know what boys? You’re fucking missing out.
Your fucking xbox buddies, your gaming posse, and even your fantasy basketball team aren’t going to love you, they aren’t going to take care of you, and they aren’t going to go out of their damn way to make sure you’re always smiling.
Men constantly take advantage of the fact that they have beautiful, strong-minded women who love them. They think, “oh I know she loves me too much to leave..” so they fuck with the woman’s emotions, they toy with them, THEY TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED.

Remember this guys: you can only push a woman so far away, before she gets too tired to walk all the way back to you.

Stop bitching and complaining about how women are annoying the shit out of you. Just fucking be glad that theres a woman who was dumb enough to fall in love with someone so disgusting as you in the first place.

No matter how good looking a guy can be, if he doesn’t know how to treat a woman, as far as I know, he’s damn ugly.

" This`s for the girls that are tired of giving all they have in a relationship when he just doesn`t seem to want to be in it. For the ones that are tired of feeling let down by things he doesn`t do, or heart broken by things he does. For the ones that know he just doesn`t love you the same way he used to & know that when you say “I love you more” you`re right, you do love him more. This is for the girls that are in an infilling relationship but stay in it anyways cause they love him. "

exactly how i feel.
i'm about to quit. -____-
get with the game, i've been putting up with your rule breaking all month. i don't wanna stop now. hell, if i didn't care about you, we would'a been done longggg ago. but nope, i cared way too much. you're my world, i can't belive you let me down like this. you pretty much lied to my face.

i love hello kitty danbo domo necklaces rings bracelets earrings
nikes vans converse
hot pink purple black white silver
If you wanna say something `bout me, say it to my face. I hate backstabbers
plastic people

Hotmail| Myspace|

Basics !
i've fallen in love just about once, i'm back in that phase again♥ (: .
my friends are cooler than yours; i love them.
alot of things can give me a bad first impression, but if you meet my standards, i promise i'll try my best to keep the friendship tied together. (x i easily fall for people; i'm trying to break that habit.
i hate fakes & liars, don't be one. i'll try my best to ruin your life.
i'm not mean, only when necessary.
i want to be young forever; i don't want to show my emotions; i want to be happy with that one person til my last day;
but hey, i'm only human.
i'm not perfect; i try my best thou, no matter how hard i try, i will never be close to being perfect.
Photo Text Graphics


Purple-licious is the designer.
ThePoison.Kiss is the basecodes.